Monday, April 26, 2010

Franklin D. Roosevelt is famous for saying, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." He said that during the worst economic times the US has ever known. It was a time when there was concern by many that democracy itself would fail. Franklin knew that when people are afraid they make poor short term decisions out of desperation. However, even in the darkest of times, a moment of quiet and calm provides space for faith that leads the way to the light.

I know that in dark times I need a firm reminder that there is a power that transcends the appearance of difficulty and chaos to provide peace in the midst of the storm. Not long after I finished my last book Contacting God: The Path to God through Prayer. I started working on a devotional using the Fear Not verses. These verses help to remind me that I am in the care of a benevolent God and in the words of a very old prayer, "Where ever I am, God is, and all is well."

I decided that rather than wait the many months it takes to publish a book. I would try my hand at blogging. I think that sharing this journey with others will yield so much more than going on it alone. So here goes . . .

1 comment:

  1. Off to a great start from what I can see! Looking forward to reading more.
