Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 45
People violate their values when they are afraid.  It is not that they do not have values, which some people assume.  Most of us actually share the same values despite our other difference. We believe in life, health, goodness, generosity, and so on. This being true one would think that we would all get along, after all we want the same things.

The problem comes when one or more of us expects that he or she cannot meet a need because there is not enough for everyone. All of a sudden people who value peace fight for land, food, money.  People who value love are fight for what is "thiers."  People who value honesty lie and so on . . .

Of course Jesus proved there is enough for everyone with the loaves and the fishes. Jesus believed in abundance. His disciples were worried, but Jesus had the situation all in hand all the time. He believed there would be enough and there was.

What would the world be like if we all expected there would be enough all the time?

Verse for This Week
Proverbs 22:10 The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it.


Today I will be sure there is enough for all of us. I will sit in silence and recognize the abundance all around me.

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