Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 49
People are story making machines. I think that may be why Jesus spoke in parables. Jesus knew stories get passed around. Any time we only know part of what is going on, what happens? In our minds we start to create a story to fill in the blanks. We cannot stand to have blanks.

I have a whole talk I do about how we all make stories and how we create our stories makes us weaker or stronger. Here is the thing, when we are making up stories they are not based on truth. Many times the stories we come up with lack compassion for our friends and loved ones experiencing troubles in life. It is so much easier to think we see what someone else needs to do better than to see the same in us.

When we, like Job’s friends, think we know and stand around speculating why someone made this choice or that thing happened to them we are working with only a tiny piece of the puzzle. We cannot possibly know enough to make a judgment. Yet, like Job’s friends, how often do we forget to show compassion in our rush to pick apart someone else in trouble.

Verse for Today
Psalms 86 7&15 In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. . . But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

Word for Today

Today I will take time to breathe and to feel compassion for myself and others running through me and around me.

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