Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 41
Divine guidance and divine timing are interesting. We ask for it. We pray for it and then often we fight against it. I pray for divine guidance before I write this daily blog. Yet I second guess myself. I thought this week I should have done more with sacred numbers and so I wrote a blog about seven with a plan to go back and replace week seven with the new piece. Only when I went back to week seven I knew exactly why it was there and why it should not be changed. In my own impatience and expectation I was messing with divine timing.

Patience is so easy and not always so simple. Trust is what we need to follow divine guidance and wait for divine perfect timing. Trust and patience are the key to waiting for divine timing.

How do we wait and trust? When we are waiting expectantly for a new job, a birth, a new home, a change of any kind we have to know that the right and perfect moment is in the making and be ready to take action moving in faith when it happens. We must have patience and trust EVEN when the news is not yet what we want to hear as David did all those years he wandered waiting for the time to be right to be king.

Verse for Today
Psalms 112:7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.

Word for Today

Today I will sit in silence delighting in my expectations, knowing that through the Divine Spirit of God all good comes in perfect divine time.

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