Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 43
Faith is contagious.  As people of faith, sometimes we have to believe for each other. We have to know that there is a path out of a dark moment for those we care for even when they cannot see it.  We have to trust in our prayers for others that the path will rise up to meet them.

In Luke we see that when a literal storm raged around Jesus and his companions were afraid he was not. He reached out and calmed the storms with faith alone. He believed when everyone around him could not and because he did they were able to find their faith.

Faith takes the power away from that moment. The ability to reach back and recognize our connection to the Divine provides calm when we need it the most. Faith trusts and knows that there is light and we can find it, even if we cannot see it yet. Faith also gives us the ability to reach out to someone else in their moment and just understand. It allows us to feel compassion and offer our faith and help when we see someone who is doubting their own.

Verse for Today
Luke 8:25 He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?"

Word for Today

Today I will take a moment in silence to trust for all those I know believing that their path is right and perfect for them.

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