Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 52
I think it is one of the wonders of our Bible that it can speak in so many voices to so many people. The Word of Spirit seems to find us where we are. I once heard Dr. Rocco Errico speak about the Ten Commandments. I like him because he interprets the Bible from a Aramaic perspective having studied under the Syrian scholar George Lamsa.

Dr. Errico suggested we look at the Ten Commandments not as 10 restrictions but as 10 promises. Promises from God that when we have our minds and hearts on Spirit our desires will be for what is best for us and for everyone else. What if we understood the commandments like this:

What are the ten best promises from God?

1. You worship the one living God gladly.

2. You have no need for graven images or idols because your faith is strong.

3. It would never occur to you to take oath in the name of God especially one that is untrue.

4. You love to rest and consider God on the Sabbath so that you might be more prepared for the week ahead.

5. You look for ways to honor your mother and father to whom you are grateful  because they do / did the best for they could / can for you.

6. You lay down your anger in prayer and have no urge to kill or harm another.

7. Your desire is for your spouse and for no other.

8. You are grateful for all you have and that others have what they need and would never think to take something from someone else.

9. You have compassion for your neighbor and would never tell a lie about them, even gossip is unknown to you.

10. You are happy and satisfied with what you have and feel no envy toward others.

What a wonderful, peaceful way to live.

Verse for This Week
Psalms 105: 4-8
Depend on the Lord and his strength;always go to him for help. Remember the miracles he has done; remember his wonders and his decisions. . .He is the Lord our God. His laws are for all the world.  He will keep his agreement forever; He will keep his promises always.”


Today I will sit in silence feeling gratitude flow over me as I consider the promises God made to me through the Ten Commandments.

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